Sunday, May 9, 2021
Hi các em, here is a link to your current grade report as mentioned. The scores are purely from Kahoot and I think each question counts as about 1,000 points so please let me know if I've recorded anything wrong. If you missed any of the quizzes, below are the links for all of them to retake. If you've already taken a quiz, you don't have to take it again but if you do, the higher score will be recorded.
Quiz #    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
We're very close to the finishing line so please check back at least one more time next Sunday the 16th for your updated grade and my last notes. Also, make sure to check out link #5 above to receive your lì xì if you haven't already claimed yours. And that is it for this week các em, stay in school and I'll talk to you soon. :)